Noah and Lydia making snow angels on the trampoline. |
I could always count on looking out the kitchen window and seeing the kids, the neighbor kids or sometimes Steve out there. We all loved it. As Harrison, Maddie and Ellie turned into teenagers they still managed to find their way out there when there friends came over.
Noah wouldn't believe the trampoline was gone until he could see it with is own eyes. The day our friend came to take it we weren't home. On our way home that afternoon I told him when we got home the trampoline wouldn't be there anymore. All he could say was, "Stop teasing me! I know you are joking." Even after assuring him over and over, until he was standing in the backyard he wouldn't believe me.
This move will be full of many goodbyes but in some ways the first goodbye will be the hardest. It's more than saying farewell to a friend that we love but will see again. It's saying goodbye to childhood. To the physical reminder of Harrison, Maddie and Ellie's childhood. Hot summer days spent doing tricks, learning flips, butt busters- even playing chase. I think of the countless times I had to run outside to the sound sound of one of the kids yelling, "Mom, come see! Watch what I can do!"
The endless "shows" put on by the kids while jumping.
It's hard making this move out of state, away from family and friends. It's even more difficult because it's coming at a time when we are going through changes as a family. Maddie graduating high school and going to Texas. Ellie entering her Senior year and last year with us. Lucy leaving elementary school. Noah starting kindergarten. Lots of changes.
I have always enjoyed the seasons of life of our family- but sometimes I just want to hang on to the way things are right now- here in the moment. And sometimes, I wish I could go back in time for just a bit. Maybe a moment where I was holding Harrison, wiping away a tear or bandaging a knee. A hot humid day when Maddie's hair was blonde and curly and sticky. When she had dirty hands from making mud pies. Or when Ellie was three and wore a red scarf everywhere she went! I can see her now with that long red scarf tied around her head and flowing down to her feet.
Life moves on and we say goodbye. Goodbye to the people and things that have been dear to us. The ones that have made our life what it has been. My life has been rich so far. Sweet and bitter. Full of love and laughter. I wouldn't trade it. And I'm thankful for the memories. Even though we're not taking our trampoline with us to Virginia we're definitely taking the memories.
Goodbye faithful tramp.